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5 Ways To Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Using Medication

High blood pressure or hypertension is a common disease where blood flows through the arteries at a higher that normal pressure. Normal pressure is medically known as systolic pressure below 120 millimeters of Mercury and diastolic pressure below 80 millimeters of Mercury written as 120/80 mm/Hg.

Systolic pressure is the blood pressure when the heart beats whereas diastolic pressure is the blood pressure when the heart is at rest between beats. Hypertension is caused by many factors depending on one’s age and lifestyle.

Many people develop high blood pressure as a result of high salt intake. An elevated level of Sodium Chloride in the blood causes hypertension. Patients notice this after a long time as symptoms like fast heart beat rate and shortness of breath manifest. It is advisable to lower your salt intake in order to control your blood pressure. When cooking, measure salt with a teaspoon instead of pouring it carelessly. Also avoid adding salt to cooked food to make it tastier.

Alcohol intake is another cause of high blood pressure. Blood vessels tend to constrict after alcohol consumption, making the blood to force its way through. Alcoholics usually feel the blood moving fast in the body due to the increased pressure. Stopping alcohol consumption or limiting yourself to two bottles per week will significantly lower your blood pressure to the normal level.

Smoking is a major cause of high blood pressure. Cigarettes contain more than five hundred chemical substances which destroy the lungs, heart and blood vessels. Smokers have low oxygen levels in the blood. This makes the blood to move fast and shortness of breath can be experienced at times. Quitting smoking or limiting yourself to one cigarette a day will lower your blood pressure.

Eating of fruits and vegetables regularly is a proven method of lowering your blood pressure. Bananas have magnesium and Potatoes have Potassium both which lower high blood pressure.

Drinking a minimum of eight glasses of water per day is very important in maintaining a constant blood pressure. Water is a universal solvent. This means that many solvents are soluble in water. It flushes out excess salt and other toxins that cause high blood pressure. Studies show that drinking one glass of water before sleeping, after waking up in the morning and before taking a bath reduces high blood pressure.

Common symptoms of high blood pressure include frequent headaches, dizziness, anxiety and shortness of breath. Hypertension is a lifestyle disease which can be controlled and even treated without having to undertake medication.

Finding Relief From Migraines

There are few headaches more debilitating than a migraine, and finding effective treatments can be challenging. Over-the-counter pain relievers often provide minimal help, and narcotics can cause side effects, such as drowsiness and nausea. Many people find relief by turning to a professional acupuncturist. For many sufferers, acupuncture can provide quick relief, and treatments can even lead to the reduction of future headaches.

Medical Acupuncture vs. Chinese Acupuncture

Acupuncture involves the use of special needles to stimulate nerve receptors at various points on the body. Practitioners of acupuncture report that there are specific nerve receptors that correspond to pain in the head. Some doctors and chiropractors specialize in a form of acupuncture that is very similar to the techniques practiced by specialists in Chinese medicine, although doctors approach the technique with one major difference.

With medical acupuncture, needles are gently inserted into the tissue at nerve receptor points and then stimulated with low-frequency electricity. Specialists in this arena report that the electrical stimulation is rarely uncomfortable. The frequency of electrical current is so minimal that at the most, a typical patient usually feels nothing more than mild tingling. A single treatment is effective at eliminating pain in about 20% of the patients who seek it, although patients sometimes need follow-up treatments.

Chinese acupuncture involves insertion of needles along the same nerve receptors used by medical acupuncturists, but the needles are gently manipulated by the practitioner’s hand rather than through electrical stimulation.

Effective, Long-lasting Relief

In 2004, researchers reported the results of a migraine study that involved the use of acupuncture. According to professionals involved in the study, participants who received acupuncture instead of just pharmaceutical interventions experienced a significant decrease in the number of repeat migraines. They required fewer medications for pain relief, and they were able to maintain their daily schedules with fewer problems than participants who only used medications to treat their symptoms.

Preventing Migraines

Over-the-counter and narcotic medications do little to prevent future migraine attacks, but acupuncture often has a prophylactic effect. Researchers publishing the 2003 results of a migraine study suggest that the effects of acupuncture are often long-lasting. Once tissue at a nerve receptor point has been stimulated, it often blocks or reduces future inflammation.

Migraine sufferers generally welcome relief from any source. They know too well that breaking the cycle of pain is hard to achieve, but the potential for relief makes acupuncture worth trying.

Non-Surgical Remedies for Hemorrhoid

Hemorrhoids are irritated or swollen veins in the rectum and anus. Sufferers of this disorder usually can see blood at the end of bowel movement. Other symptoms include an itchy or burning sensation around the anus, or a feeling of bowel movement with nothing present. Severe symptoms of hemorrhoids appear when the swollen part protrudes outside the anus. Treatment of this condition can be expensive, yet there exists all-natural treatments which can be used instead of the expensive drugs from the Canadian pharmacy.

In one of the studies carried out by medical researchers on hemorrhoids, it was indicated that intake of fiber can help alleviate some of the symptoms such as itching and burning sensations. This is mainly because fiber intake helps soften stool as well as improve bowel movement; both which help relieve the bowel movement stresses associated with hemorrhoids. Fiber can be readily and affordably obtained from vegetables, whole grains, or some common fruits. However, it is recommended to increase intake of water in order to match the amount of fiber being ingested so as to help in the softening of the stool.

Small amounts of vinegar can also be applied around the anus to help ease any burning or itchy sensation caused by hemorrhoids. Vinegar is also very effective in reducing any swelling problem. Another great natural remedy for hemorrhoids is Aloe Vera. All you need to do is to slice the plant and squeeze out the gel which you eventually apply directly on the hemorrhoids.

If followed keenly, the above mentioned tips and remedies can be very effective in relieving the discomfort brought about by hemorrhoids. But, all these will only serve as temporary achievements for curing hemorrhoids. They cannot completely cure this condition.

However, Venapro is a permanent, non-surgical approach to hemorrhoids treatment. The Venapro formula has the abilities to achieve the following:

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  • Lubrication of the passage ways
  • Restoration of the normal blood-flow to the rectal area
  • Calm inflamed tissues instantly upon contact
  • Acts as a natural anesthetic that improves bowel movement


Breast reduction surgery – A way to boost your confidence

What is breast reduction?

It is a surgical method of reducing the size of the breasts. This is done by a qualified surgeon who removes the excess breasts’ skin and tissue. The areola also becomes smaller when this surgery is carried out.

Where should one start?

Start with your surgeon. First you will need to consult with your surgeon in order to identify whether you are fit to undergo the surgery or not. At this stage the surgeon will record your medical history. The major areas covered will be previous illnesses, allergies or other surgeries done. Other details the surgeon may want to clarify are your pregnancy and lactation history, family history on breast problems especially breast cancer, mammograms and breast lumps. After that the surgeon will take the photos and take you to the next level.

How to prepare for a breast reduction

The surgeon will order some lab tests so that he can clearly identify whether you have any medical problems. A pre-operative mammogram to detect any breast problems may be carried at this stage. If you are a smoker, you will be requested to stop smoking at least six weeks before the surgery. On the eve of the surgery, the surgeon will plan your eating and drinking schedule. In case you are taking any herbal supplements or painkillers, you will be required to stop two weeks before the surgery is done.

In case you are working or in school, you will be required to take some time off to aid your healing after surgery. This is important especially because of a follow-up that the surgeon will schedule thereafter.

What benefits does one get after undergoing breast reduction surgery?

Most women have problems when it comes to getting bras, shirts, blouses etc. Others experience discomfort when the bra strap digs up their shoulders. Emotional stress is also very common especially when people stare at you. So when you have a breast reduction surgery, you confidence is restored and you are able to get clothes that fit well.

Steps in Losing Weight in 2016

What is the best way to lose weight in 2016? Is a question that everybody who is overweight or obese is asking.For most people losing weight, is the priority in their new year’s resolutions. Losing weight is a daunting task because they are a lot of moving parts involved when it comes to losing weight. They are lots of websites that offers different way dramatically to reduce weight and different weight lose pills which often don’t work . But it finally boils down to an individual commitment to losing weight. Outlined below is a list of ways to help you lose weight in 2016.

Choosing the Right Diet Plan

Firstly, in order to lose weight you must first of all find a diet plan that you can commit to. Most of the diet plans formulated by Nutritionists and weight loss experts might be too rigid and vulnerable to inconsistency. Choosing the right diet plan that is compatible with your lifestyle and particular weight loss goals is ideal and may lead you to attain those complicated weight loss goals. They are different diets to choose from includes: diets rich in low-fat foods, vegetables, fruits, hunger-fighting foods such whole grains salads and soups.

Exercise and Cardio-Training

According to renowned weight loss experts, exercises are probably the best way to shed off those extra pounds. Experts recommend that you should combine different types of exercises such as cardio workouts and running. Most experts also advice’s people to at least spend thirty minutes every day in training. Apart from helping you lose weight, weight lifting is very effective exercise to help you maintain your muscles and build strength. They different types weight lifting practices and in order to avoid injury a person should seek advice from a qualified trainer.

Drink a lot of water and avoid saturated Fats

Drinking water above and beyond the recommended two liters of water is very beneficial to helping you attain you weight loss goals.

Some of the  benefits of drinking  a lot of  is that water  increases metabolism rate and also reduces appetite. Alcohol and soft drinks on the other hand should be avoided because they contain a lot of calories and may act as a barrier to weight loss. Saturated fats are commonly found in  products such as pork, butter, poultry fat, lard, whole milk and cream. Limiting these saturated fats in the diet while lead to a person losing weight quickly.