New antibacterial products from fluoroquinolones group such as Levaquin have entered the medical practice for the past ten years. They have higher activity as to the many microorganisms, seldom cause side effects, and act faster.
Product description
Levaquin is an antibacterial product from the group of fluoroquinolones of the 3d generation. It contains the active ingredient Levofloxacin which is approved by FDA and belongs to the list of the vital and important drugs.
The pharmacological action of Levaquin is characterized by broad action. It is similarly effective in the treatment of the gram-positive, gram-negative microorganisms and actively neutralizes the action of the intracellular pathogenic microflora.
As to the originators of the infection, Levaquin acts bactericidaly. It penetrates into the cellular cell of DNA of bacteria and destroys the chains taking part in the division of the new microorganisms.
The antibacterial effect begins after the first use of the single dose of Levaquin. The antibiotic is excreted by kidneys, and therefore patients with kidney diseases should select the minimal doses of Levaquin.
Uses and doses
Levaquin may be used during most infectious diseases: pneumonia, tuberculosis, cystitis, acute sinusitis, acute bronchitis, peritonitis, prostatitis, urethritis, furunculosis, and others. In case of the infectious processes of the middle severity, Levaquin is used once per day, and the frequency of the pills is increased during severe infections.
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- The standard therapeutic dose of Levaquin is 500 mg per day
- The maxima therapeutic dose is 1000 mg per day (one pill of Levaquin 500 mg 2 times per day)
- Senior patients and patients with diseases of kidneys should begin the use of Levaquin from the minimal dose of 250 mg per day, and the dose can be gradually increased if the side effects are absent
- The length of the treatment is 7-14 days depending on the type of the infectious process and disease severity
- If tuberculosis, Levaquin is taken up to 3 months
Contraindications for the use
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- Epilepsy
- Allergy to quinolones
- Pregnancy
- Severe renal insufficiency
- Lactation
- Children under 18 years
Medical interaction
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- Biovailability of Levaquin is lowered during the simultaneous use with antacids and drugs containing iron salts
- The simultaneous use of Levaquin with glucocorticosteroids enhance the risk of the side effects and break of ligaments
Side effects
Systemic side effects which may happen during the use of Levaquin are not dangerous for a patient, but it is necessary to be careful during their appearance. The following side effects often appear: dizziness, headache, drowsiness, paresthesias in the hands, tachycardia, dyspepsia, diarrhea.
If mild side effects appear, there is no need to stop the use of Levaquin or lower the dose.
Buy Levaquin online
Levaquin can be bought in any city pharmacy after getting a prescription. If you don’t have a prescription, pharmacists will not sell this antibiotic in the city pharmacy. But there is an option. Even if you are without prescription, you can buy Levaquin online.
Buying Levaquin online without prescription is legal. The antibiotics are supplied directly from the manufacturer and pass several stages of testing quality. Therefore, buying Levaquin online, you can be confident in the high quality of pills, and use Levaquin without prescription. You can buy Levaquin online without prescription in any number, by making the order for the shipment to your city.