
Etodolac may be bought at a low price without prescription in the online pharmacy. A pharmacist’s consultation is provided online, free of charge. Ordering an express delivery, you will receive Etodolac without prescription in several days after placing the order. You don’t have to suffer from pain.



Etodolac has an anti-inflammatory, antifebrile, analgesic effect. This product belongs to non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, the action of which is related to blocking of the inflammatory mediators.


The drug inhibits synthesis of prostaglandins in the focus of inflammation, and this way, the drug reduces a sensitivity of the painful receptors to the inflammatory mediators such as histamine, serotonin, and kinin. By means of the reduction of the sensitivity of the hypothalamic thermoregulatory center, the body temperature is reduced in separate tissues and in all body.


A pain-relieving effect occurs in an hour after the use of a daily dose of Etodolac. The effect lasts for up to 8 hours. An anti-inflammatory action occurs within 24 hours after the use of the first dose but it increases only during the regular use of the pills within 5-7 days. Therefore, a scheme of the use of the drug differs depending on the medical image of a patient.


Etodolac may be used in the treatment of:

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  • Arthrosis with severe pain syndrome and restriction of motor activity
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Psoriatic arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Bechterew’s disease
  • Gout
  • Headache/toothache
  • Pain syndrome caused by trauma



In what dose is Etodolac used?

Etodolac is produced in pills for the oral use. Every pill may contain 200 mg, 300 mg, or 400 mg of the active ingredient. A dose depends on a severity of the painful syndrome or an inflammatory reaction.


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  • If painful syndrome, Etodolac is used in the dose of 200 mg 2-3 times per day
  • To reduce acute pain due to the degenerative diseases of the locomotor system, a dose of Etodolac may be increased up to 400 mg 3 times per day
  • If arthritis and arthrosis accompanied by severe inflammatory processes and pain, Etodolac is prescribed in the maximal dose of 1200 mg per day (400 mg 3 times per day)
  • Patients with the body weight of 60 kg and less take the maximal daily dose 20 mg/kg of the body weight



The pills of Etodolac are used after meals with a glass of water. Do not take more than 1200 mg per day because even a slight increase of the maximal dose may cause side effects.



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  • Take Etodolac with a due care if you have ulcer of stomach and duodenum or gastritis
  • In case of the acute state of the gastric ulcer and a development of bleedings, it is necessary to stop the use of the pills
  • Patients with bronchial asthma or severe form of the pulmonary obstructive disease are not recommended to take Etodolac
  • Etodolac is not used during pregnancy, lactation, after coronary artery bypass graft, heart attack or stroke



Side effects

Most patients state that the side effects often appear in the gastro-intestinal tract: flatulency, stomachache, nausea, vomiting, and constipations.


Bronchospasms occur seldom but patients who have chronic diseases of the organs of the respiratory system may have it.


In general, if the recommendations are followed, the side effects of Etodolac are light or moderate and do not bring discomfort.


Buy Etodolac online

If you have severe pain and cannot stand it anymore, we recommend you to buy Etodolac. This medicine is for sale in any pharmacy but by a doctor’s prescription. Sometimes, in order to see a doctor, you should wait for 1-2 weeks. And it is not a good idea to suffer from pain during this period. Therefore, in order to relieve life, you may buy Etodolac online.