


Chloroquine is an antimalarial medicine which leads to the degradation of parasites inside erythrocytes and stops an infectious process. It provides a moderate immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory action. Due to the improvement of the immune functions of the body, it is possible to stop the symptoms of malaria (fever, pain in joints) in a short period, and prevent an affection of the liver by microorganisms.


Chloroquine is also active during some forms of dysenteric amoeba. The action of the drug is related to the inhibitory influence on the synthesis of DNA of protozoa. Chloroquine is used for the following purposes in the medical practice:


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  • Individual malaria prophylaxis in people visiting endemic areas
  • Treatment of all types of malaria
  • Treatment of extra-intestinal amebiasis
  • Treatment of chronic and acute forms of systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Treatment of photodermatosis



Due to the evident anti-inflammatory effect, Chloroquine may be used during the combined rheumatoid arthritis.


In what dose is Chloroquine used?

The scheme of the use of Chloroquine depends on several factors: age of the patient, the clinical picture of the disease, the general condition and functioning of systems and organs.


To prevent malaria, Chloroquine is used 1-2 weeks before visiting a region with spread infection and is continued taking within 2 months after leaving that region.  To prevent malaria, Chloroquine is used in the dose of 300-500 mg per week, at the same day of week.


During malaria attacks, patients are prescribed Chloroquine 1000 mg at once, and then 500 mg is given to a patient in 8 hours. A pill of Chloroquine 500 mg is used on the second and third days. In case of the acute form of malaria, it is enough to take the drug within three days.


Children are prescribed 16 mg of Chloroquine per 1 kg of the body weight at first during acute forms of malaria. On the second and third days, 5 mg of Chloroquine are used per 1 kg of the body weight.


If amebic affection of the body, Chloroquine is used in the dose of 1000 mg within the first two days, and then a pill of Chloroquine 500 mg per day is used within 2 weeks.


If rheumatoid arthritis, it is necessary to take a pill of Chloroquine 150 mg once per day till the decreased symptoms of the disease.



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  • A safety of taking Chloroquine during pregnancy is unknown, therefore it is not recommended to take the drug during pregnancy. But by doctor’s recommendation, Chloroquine may be used in the low dose. It all depends on individual peculiarities
  • The use of Chloroquine is contraindicated during affections of eye’s retina, glaucoma, and evident vision affections
  • If you have chronic pathologies of liver, kidneys, epilepsy, or organic diseases of the central nervous system or brain, be careful during the use of Chloroquine
  • Do not take Chloroquine with glucocorticosteroids. Their interaction may cause side effects



Side effects

Prescribing Chloroquine, it is necessary to take into account the development of the side effects such as: headache, dizziness, agitation, neuropathy, anemia, blurred vision, nausea, and vomiting. If these side effects appeared after the use of Chloroquine, lower a daily dose or change an approach to the treatment.


Buy Chloroquine online

Chloroquine is for sale in many pharmacies, and it is easy to buy it if you have a doctor’s prescription. If you do not have a prescription but you need this medicines, you may buy Chloroquine online.


Chloroquine online may be bought in any time, all year round. Before buying Chloroquine online, you may read the instruction and consult a pharmacist. Do not neglect any medical information as to this drug because an efficiency and safety of the treatment depend on a correct dose.