


Albuterol is a bronchodilatory product which contains an active ingredient Salbutamol. This medicine is a stimulant of beta2-adrenoreceptor bronchi, blood vessels and myometrium.


During stimulation of beta2-adrenoreceptors, a dilation of bronchi happens, oxygenic patency is improved, and a risk of bronchospasm is reduced in the setting of the inflammatory disease or allergic reaction.


Albuterol selectively acts to adrenoceptors and therefore it does not provide an action to beta1-adrenoreceptors which are located in the heart. Albuterol not only stimulates beta2-adrenoceptors but also inhibits a production of histamine which can cause an allergic bronchospasm. This medicine activates many functions of the respiratory system, improves the production of mucus, increases the vital capacity.


According to the data of the medical studies, Albuterol is well tolerated by all groups of patients. The probability of the side effects is not higher than using other beta-adrenoceptors.


Indications for the use

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  • Bronchial asthma
  • Bronchospasm-inducing syndrome
  • Chronical bronchitis
  • Emphysema
  • Allergic bronchospasm



In what dose is Albuterol used?

Albuterol is released in two medical forms: tablets and solution for inhalers.


The tablets of Albuterol are used for the prolonged maintenance of the lung functions and a control the bronchial asthma symptoms. The tablets are taken in the dose of 2-4 mg 3-4 times per day regardless of the meals.


Albuterol inhaler is used 4 times per day every 6 hours. Patients should have 1-2 inhalations (inhale) depending on the general health condition. In case of the acute bronchospasm, it is possible to have additional 1-2 inhalations regardless of the last use of the medical product.



The overdose of Albuterol can cause an acute bronchospasm, severe cough, and also side effects in the cardiovascular system. It is strictly to contraindicate enhance the therapeutic dose of Albuterol and abuse tablets/inhalations during the treatment of the bronchial asthma.


Medical interaction

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  • Agitation or other reactions of the central nervous system may appear during the simultaneous use of Albuterol with medicines stimulating the central nervous system
  • It is not recommended to use MAO inhibitors or tricyclic antidepressants during the therapy with Albuterol. To treat depression during this period, it is better to select other antidepressants
  • Albuterol is contraindicated to be used with non-selective beta-adrenoceptors
  • Theophylline may cause tachycardia or arrhythmia during the interaction with Salbutamol




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  • Albuterol may be used during pregnancy but it is better to follow caution because the use of the drug may cause tachycardia or high blood pressure in mother
  • In case of severe diseases of heart (tachyarrhythmia, severe CHF, uncontrolled hypertension, cardiac failure) Albuterol should be carefully used, in the minimal everyday dose. In case of the first signs of the side effects in the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to stop the use of the drug



Buy Albuterol online

If your doctor prescribed you Albuterol to control the symptoms of the bronchial asthma, you can buy Albuterol online.


One can order the shipment of Albuterol without prescription at the low cost in the online pharmacy. The shipment of Albuterol without prescription takes just several days. You can now order Albuterol online and get a discount which will cover all expenses for the shipment of the drug to your city.