Two methods are used to delete pointed condyloma: medicamental (less traumatic) and mechanical (erasion of condyloma by means of liquid nitrogen). Doctors prefer the first method to treat condyloma because it is possible to clean the skin and increase the body resistance to new formation of condyloma with the help of Aldara.
Aldara is an immunomodulating medicine for the external application which is used for the treatment of the pointed condyloma. It contains an active ingredient Imiquimod.
Aldara does not have a direct antiviral effect and does not influence on the processes happening in the central nervous system. The mechanism of the action of Aldara consists in the induction of interferon (protein compounds) and other cytokines (hormone-like protein). These proteins penetrate into the cells, and if virus penetrates into this cell, its deactivation happens. In other words, Aldara does not kill virus in the affected cells but only protect new cells against an infection. Due to the increase of interferon in the places of the external application of cream Aldara, it causes necrosis of the tissues of papilloma and they die.
A therapeutic effect of Aldara slowly develops, and therefore the treatment of the pointed condyloma may take several months. However, this method is less traumatic, and the skin does not have scars after it.
The pharmacological characteristics of interferon is not completely studied but Aldara is used during some forms of the skin cancer and wart treatment due to the induction of the protein compounds.
Indications for the use
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- Basal cell carcinoma
- Genital warts
- Molluscum contagiosum
- Skin diseases during which an intensive regeneration of the skin is required.
In what dose is Aldara used?
Aldara is used only externally, applying cream to the surface of condyloma or affected skin. Before applying cream Aldara, the skin should be carefully cleaned and dried out. After the application of a thin layer of the cream to the affected part of the skin/condyloma, it is slightly rubbed into. Aldara cream is easily and quickly absorbed.
Cream is used 3 times per week, with the interval of a day. It is better to rub Aldara cream before sleeping, so that it will be kept on the kin at least 6-8 hours. In 8-10 hours, the cream should be rinsed with warm water.
The maximal length of applying Aldara cream is 4 months. If the pointed condyloma did not disappear in that period, it is necessary to have a medical examination and discuss the further treatment with a doctor.
Recommendations for the use
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- Do not apply Aldara cream more than once per day because it will cause an allergic reaction
- Avoid inner parts of genitals, mucous membranes and area near eyes during the application of the cream
- If a local allergic reaction to the drug is a cause of the serious discomfort for a patient, it is allowed to take a break in the treatment for several days
- Do not apply the cream to skin with open ulcers or wounds
Side effects
The side effects often appear during the use of Aldara, and they are related to the local skin reactions: itching and pain at the site of application of the cream, the infectious process, peeling and swelling. Headache, and nausea are rare.
The side effects are light, and the treatment can be adjusted depending on their intensity.
Where to buy Aldara?
If you noticed pointed condyloma, we recommend you to buy Aldara. If the treatment is started during the first signs of condyloma, the period of the treatment may be reduced and its efficiency will be increased.
You can buy Aldara online 24 hours, in any country. You just should choose a number of packs of Aldara, and then you will be offered options of payment and shipment. You can pay for Aldara online with the help of a bank card.
The modern purchase of Aldara online will save your money and time and will help to accelerate the treatment process of pointed condyloma.